Database Editor Forum forum
1answers198viewsasked by Jorge de Esesarte Pérez 26 Feb 2025
I'm using the trial version. New in this...
I have made a database trying to made it equal to a schedule from revit. A view category one. I don't know if it is possible but I'm not seeing all the parameters I could have in Revit. I got shared parameters. But I can see the way to bring to the database the sheet number and name (where the view is placed), the title on sheet, the detail number, the phase...
Am I missing something?I would love to use this addin in my workflows if it fits to me, but have found some first issues that maybe could improve the tool:
Can't use revit at the same time, similar to the DiRoots tools.
Can't save a view (maybe this is not included in the trial... it would be usefull to know if this is the reason)
It should be able to translate the info of the database into a continious actualiced revit schedule to be able to use in the project, without repeating the process of creation.
The edition/navigations is not exactly as excel in many ways, but you get use to it easy.
The good thing, and it is a huge one, is the capability to edit more than one cell at the time. All other tools showed on video work as intended... filters, sorting, groping, etc.Thanks for your work and ideas to make the revit use less painfull.
updated 2 weeks ago | Jorge de Esesarte Pérez -
0answers2042viewsasked by Luis Santos 03 Feb 2024
We have released the version 24.0.
It has the following improvements:
1 - Corrected a serious error that prevented to open the database view with clicking on a category
2 - The category browser from this version onwards will only show categories with instances.
We will no longer support the plugin for Revit 2022 and older.
updated 1 year ago | Luis Santos -
3answers2988viewsasked by Roberto Di Maio 26 Oct 2023
When I start Database Editor (23.3) with Revit 2024 the database loading remains stuck.
updated 1 year ago | Roberto Di Maio -
1answers3184viewsasked by James Matsuku 16 Oct 2023
Hi, I'm a new user as well. I have installed the 23.2 version and it won't load beyond the 95%. Not sure what the problem is in my case. Thanks.
updated 1 year ago | James Matsuku -
1answers3423viewsasked by James Cunningham 02 Oct 2023
I'm a new user.
am trying out the database editor.
I've tried it on different .rvt files and all stop at 95% of Loading databases..
How do fix this?
updated 1 year ago | James Cunningham -
0answers3618viewsasked by Luis Santos 09 Aug 2022
The version 1.15 of Database Editor was released.
What is new:
- The parameters in the tree list are sorted in alphabetical order.
updated 3 years ago | Luis Santos -
2answers3649viewsasked by Marco De Lorenzi 01 Aug 2022
This is my first post so I hope I am posting it in the right section :)
I started using Database Editor for some days now and I encountered 2 areas in which I would like to give some feedback for improvement:
1. Opening the Database Editor, when for example wanting to work on Doors, the category parameters are not in alphabetical (or any other I could think of) order, which makes it hard to find them when you have certain categories with 100s of parameters.
Would it be possible to add a "sort parameters" function in the Browser tab and in the Fields window? It would improve UI quite a lot in my opinion.
2. When using the plugin, the revit window is blocked.
Is there a way to have the DB Editor open and usable while at the same time use the revit window to move around the views and sheets?
Thanks for any reply and to archi for such a useful plugin!
updated 3 years ago | Marco De Lorenzi -
0answers3637viewsasked by Luis Santos 07 Jul 2022
Database Editor version 1.14 release.
What is new on this version:
Support for Revit 2023.
updated 3 years ago | Luis Santos -
0answers3685viewsasked by Rudy Trujillo 08 Jun 2022
I installed Archi Database Editor and it seems like it is hanging on the initial run. It opens but the loading bar gets stuck around 95%.
I also tried on a new project from a default Revit template and I get an "Unhandled exception" error, "Value of '336' is not valid for 'Value'". When I try to continue it just pops up again.
Is there something that I need to initialize for it to run? Please help!
updated 3 years ago | Rudy Trujillo -
0answers3673viewsasked by Luis Santos 15 Mar 2022
Database Editor 1.13 is now released.
1 - Speed optimization with delete and replace operations.
2 - Progress bar for tasks taking longer than 1 second.
updated 3 years ago | Luis Santos -
2answers3710viewsasked by Josh Gillespie 14 Mar 2022
Am I able to save the settings of the tables so I do not have to rebuild them for every project I open?
updated 3 years ago | Josh Gillespie -
0answers3757viewsasked by Luis Santos 18 Aug 2021
Database Editor 1.5 Released
- Several editing speed editing improvements.
updated 4 years ago | Luis Santos