Docuflow forum
Alan Ocampo
09 Apr 2020 (5 years ago)
Have the same problem here.
I installed docuflow and had no issues at first. Then reseted my desktop and suddenly can't print any paper size above A4
We need help with this issue. I bought docuflow to easy print my sheets, now I have to print 300+ sheets manually.
I've tried BullZip, Foxit, CutePDF, PDF24, Adobe.... they work fine by themselfs.
Please help
Majeed Zoabi
25 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
This issue hasn't been resolved yet.
Would you like us to pinpoint the issue together in teamviewer/anydesk? I'd be happy to help
Majeed Zoabi
11 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
Hello and thanks for the reply.
I have just tested exporting via Bullzip PDF Printer (without using Docuflow), and it managed to print sheets larger than 327.5cm in width and length. When I use Docoflow to export the same sheet, it fails.
would you like me to upload a video and link it to you to help show the problem?
Luis Santos
10 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
We have tested your setup with 3 different PDF drivers from multiple applications and cannot see that they print in that large page size.
The error is not related with Docuflow. It is a issue with the print driver or windows print.
Majeed Zoabi
10 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
I have tried PDF24. it gets stuck and outputs similar results. I'm almost certain it's a bug within Docuflow because I can export PDF up to 5000mm/5000mm without docuflow (using the regular pdf export in revit using Bullzip, Cutepdf and others).
Can you please give it 1 minute to try and to export sheets larger than 3275mm/3275mm and see for yourself? We've been trying for months to get your attention
Luis Santos
08 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
This does not seem to be a bug in Docuflow but a limitation of the PDF driver. You say that you cannot print with the Revit dialog to the PDF driver.
You can try PDF24 driver instead of BullZip. PDF24 comes pre-installed with Docuflow 4.2.
Majeed Zoabi
08 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
Has this bug been fixed?
Majeed Zoabi
29 Jan 2020 (5 years ago)
Have you looked into this?
we bought the software and we intend to use it on more computers but would like to see response for this issue
Majeed Zoabi
06 Jan 2020 (5 years ago)
Usually pdf in revit supports outputs up to 500cmx500cm. However, when exporting to pdf using Docuflow, if Width/length are greater than 327.5cm, the output is 210x297 cm (a4).
The largest I could get is 327.5x327.5cm. anything larger than that gets bugged.
I would love to hear solutions, I suggested this plugin for our office.