Graphics Forum forum
1answers3643viewsasked by Radu Gidiuta 14 Feb 2020
How can the membrane detail line be curved?
updated 4 years ago | Radu Gidiuta -
1answers3678viewsasked by Eugene Schafer 24 Nov 2016updated 8 years ago | Eugene Schafer
0answers3627viewsasked by Matthias Troitzsch 22 Jan 2016
Hi all,
I like the membrane detail lines but I wish the white dashes were NOT transparent.
Therefore in large scale other elements show through at the white dashes, like filled regions.
Can that be updated please? I tried modifying the family but it would be a better product for archigrafix if they can offer that feature. The coolest would be such a sharp edged membrane detail that is capable of curves....Some time in the future I guess.Thanks
updated 9 years ago | Matthias Troitzsch -
0answers3640viewsasked by Jeff Valenzuela 19 Aug 2015
Why do the trees available for download display in black and white on your website?
updated 10 years ago | Jeff Valenzuela