Docuflow forum
sasan saraio
16 Nov 2023 (10 months ago)
Luis Santos
14 Nov 2023 (10 months ago)
There are a few aspects that are different between Docuflow and Prosheets. Docuflow starts by being a comercial service, oriented for architectural offices interested in nearly single click operations. In my opinions here are the main aspects where Docuflow excels Prosheets:
1 - Docuflow allows to publish sheets into PDF, DWF and DWG in a single batch, but also can publish simultaneously the project drawing list. The ideia behind this concept is that a complete delivery of drawings and drawing list is possible.
2 - Docuflow is fast. In our tests its the fastest publisher available of its kind.
3 - Docuflow allows for automation before and after the publish process. The user can run any commands, such as upload the created documents to a specified location, etc.
4 - Docuflow allows to select the sheets in multiple ways. It allows to search and filter by name and revision. It also allows to use sheet sets.
5 - Docuflows sheet sets allows to be ordered exactly like the user wants.
6 - Docuflow supports exporting sheet and project data into the PDF metadata to improve document control.
7 - Docuflow has a setup to store settings projectwise, making all project publishing settings sharable among the team, regardless of the type of Revit Document used (local, Lan, Revit Server, Autodesk cloud, etc)
8 - The Docuflow service includes a friendly customer support with ticketing system.
9 - And last, but very important. Docuflow has been available for Revit users for much longer period than Prosheets. It has received feedback from a wide audience for a longer period leading to improvements and new features.
I hope this sumarizes the main benefits of Docuflow over Prosheets. It has also other features, but not a significant differentiator.
sasan saraio
13 Nov 2023 (10 months ago)
Hello good time
What are the advantages of "Archi Docuflow PDF" plugin over "DiRoots ProSheets" plugin?
Is it possible to check?