Docuflow forum
16 Jan 2020 (5 years ago)
Ola Luís,
15 Jan 2020 (5 years ago)
Step 4. doesnt work.
Please advise. URGENT.
Luis Santos
08 Oct 2019 (5 years ago)
The missing method exception will araise in NLog when mixing incompatible versions, e.g. multiple versions of NLog in one project , or mixing major versions (v3 and v4).
NLog is using Semantic Versioning (see, that means:
- You can upgrade without issues to a new minor version (e.g. 4.1 to 4.6).
- You can use components that are bound to an older minor version, and using in your application a newer minor version. E.g. the component is built on NLog 4.1 and your application is using NLog 4.6
- You can't use a older version then your component, e.g. the component is built on NLog 4.1 and your application is using NLog 4.0
- You can't mix multiple versions of NLog without using the GAC in one solution, e.g. your solution consistent of 2 projects and one is using NLog 4.1 and the other NLog 4.2
To manually and safelly replace the Nlog.dll from other installation follow these instructions.
1- Locate all Nlog.dll files in the C drive by running the command under:
forfiles /p "C:" /m *NLog.dll /s /c "cmd /c echo @PATH"
Evaluate ithe version number of those files and replace the old version of Nlog by the one inside the Docuflow installation folder. Remember to make a backup of the files.
A faster method is described under.
To correct this error automatically (riskier) take these steps:
1 - Exit Revit
2 - Open the command prompt with Administrator Rights
3 - Make a backup of the current Nlog.dll by running the following command:
forfiles /p "C:" /m NLog.dll /s /c "cmd /c copy @PATH @PATH.backup"
4 - Upgrade Nlog.dll by running the following command:
forfiles /p "C:" /m NLog.dll /s /c "cmd /c copy ^0x22C:\Program^ Files^ (x86)\Archigrafix\Docuflow\NLog.dll^0x22 @PATH"
5 - Now you have the latest version of Nlog for all your plugins
6 - Restart Revit