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Docu Flow

11 Sep 2019 (5 years ago)

Dear Support,

Can I release the floating license without closing the Revit?


Luis Santos

15 Jan 2019 (6 years ago)

The floating/network licenses use your internet IP address that is assigned to your floating license for authenticating Docuflow within your network. Please ensure the following:


  • Install and run the latest Docuflow (at least version 2.7). If you previously had a desktop license and wish to use a floating license it is mandatory to unninstall and install again.
  • Ensure that the IP address is updated in the My Licenses section in the customer area of On can easily update by clicking the button in front of your IP (that is visible if your current IP is not the same as the IP in the database). We recommend you run floating licenses only on a network with fixed IP address.
  • To see the current usage of your licenses please check the My Licenses section for real time status of the licenses borrowed.
  • Docuflow can allways be installed in as many machines as required within your network.
  • Floating licenses are cumulative, meaning that one can have several licenses with different expiry dates that can be used simultaneously. That makes it easy to deal with periods where it can be necessary to expand the capacity.
  • Floating licenses have a expiry date as a ergular yearly subscription. Please check your license is valid and buy a new contract a few days before expiry dato to ensure continuas availability. Currently that has to be done manually. 


Should there be any trouble with your floating license please contact us via this forum.
