Docuflow forum
Håvard Snellingen
16 Sep 2019 (5 years ago)
Thanks for your reply.
We use several revision sequences per issue date, so that it would be useful to print only my own sheets for the revision date in question. I could of course chech what sequece numbers my revisions have before using Docuflow, but Docuflow could save me time if it gave me this information, and even more time if it let me sort the sheets by theese parameters.
Luis Santos
16 Sep 2019 (5 years ago)
If Docuflow is stating 848mm, it means that Revit is stating that your titleblock is 848mm. It it fetched from Revit. We have a separate post explaining why this frequently happens. The main reason the titleblock is wider that what the user expects are objects that expand outside the titleblock edges. The usual ones are text box boundaries. Please check the objects in yout titleblock and you will find the one that is going outside the titleblock edges. We have seem that in multiple users. Other software that prints from Revit may not be creating in real time the sheets that match your actual titleblock, and that is the reason it is truncated into for instance A1. Docuflow does not does that as it is prepared for non standard sizes, extended sheets, etc so that it always matches Revit.
In detail projects we use mostly sorting by project revision, to print the relevant revision. We suggest that you please give a try on that method.
Håvard Snellingen
16 Sep 2019 (5 years ago)
It would be useful if Docuflow could:
- Filter sheets based on parameters
- Sort sheets based on "Current Revision Date"
- Sort sheets by multiple parameters, i.g., first"Current Revision Date", then "Current Revision Issued By".
- Control page size. Now it tries to print A1 as 848 wide, not 841, and I could fint no place to fix this. The sheet prints ok with Ctrl+P and Adobe PDF, or using NTI Tools, so it seems to be an issue with Docuflow. Docuflow has a page size 848. Mybe it is a roudning error, fixed by using "floor" instead of "round" function when trying to auto select paper size?