Reports Forum forum
1answers3604viewsasked by Micky Hunt 23 Feb 2021updated 4 years ago | Micky Hunt
1answers3696viewsasked by danil poletavkin 01 Feb 2021
Already asked this question and didn't get help, app still not working
updated 4 years ago | danil poletavkin -
1answers3667viewsasked by Louise Willey 23 Sep 2020
Hi - I'd like to add a history of drawing revisions and issue dates to my sheet list (all of this information is available in revit). Is there any way to add additional columns/information to the reports?
updated 4 years ago | Louise Willey -
3answers3650viewsasked by Glyn Thomas 10 Jul 2020
The Arhigrafix REport function stops running sometimes, I cant figure out why.
The preview thumbnail doesnt show, when i go to page header, then back onto Main, it doesnt click back onto main and freezes
This has happened a few times, to reslove it in the past i re-installed arhigrafix but doesnt work now
Can you help
updated 5 years ago | Glyn Thomas -
0answers3627viewsasked by Luis Santos 12 Jun 2020
Version 3.2 is released.
Stability improvements. Better error logging.
updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos -
0answers3674viewsasked by Luis Santos 19 Feb 2020
Reports will do the outmost to automatically present the data from Revit beautifully into the paper size that is selected. But sometimes it needs some minor adjustments to make it perfect.
We have gathered under the most important manual adjustments by the natural order that we believe they should be applied. Sometimes just the first adjustments will be sufficient. But is always ann advantage to be aware of the possibilities inside the program.
1 - Paper SizeEnsure that the paper size and orientation is sufficient for the ammount of columns and text. Sometimes is more appropriate to change orientation to landscape. Or chosing a larger paper size.
2 - Font Size.Consider the font size so that both the headers and the content for each cell fit and are readable. Configure them in the Style tab. The Heading 2 are the Headers of the schedule. The Heading 3 is the font size of the cells of the schedule.
3 - Colum Width
Finally the column widths can be adjusted in percentage of the original size in the tab Columns. A number higher than 100% makes it wider and a number under 100% makes it narrowed. The other columns will also be slightly adjusted due to this override.
updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos -
1answers3724viewsasked by Luis Briones Alonso 18 Nov 2019
We recently purchased a license with for exporting schedules to PDF. However, the sofwtare does not seem to be able to export images. We did not encounter this during the trial period but the lack of exporting images makes the software a lot less attractive, since we assumed that the software would be able to export schedules with full functionality.
The software was purchased only a few hours ago, is there a way to undo the purchase and have our license revoked?
updated 5 years ago | Luis Briones Alonso -
2answers3669viewsasked by Brian Fortak 17 Oct 2019
Is it possible to convert a single use license to a floating license? I was under the impression that I purchased a floating liscense but I think I may have got the single use license. I believe they are the same price and we are interested in using Archiegrafix throughout my company.
Thanks!updated 5 years ago | Brian Fortak -
2answers3670viewsasked by Angelica Rodriguez 17 Apr 2019
I am testing your Ad-on and found that some columns are exported and the contents overlap with the column next to it and also, when exporting a multi-category schedule that shows images from the 'Type Image' parameter (Clearly visible in Revit), the images are missing in the exported file, and the PDF shows only the name of the image.
It there anything that can be done in the settings of the Ad-In?
Thank you!updated 5 years ago | Angelica Rodriguez -
8answers3715viewsasked by LUCAS BRIDGES 04 Apr 2019
How do your floating licenses work exactly? Let's say someone uses a license to export a schedule. What do they have to do to relinquish the license so others can use it? We are continually getting errors that the license is invalid.
updated 5 years ago | LUCAS BRIDGES -
1answers3684viewsasked by Dennis Huiskens 27 Nov 2018
So when you export een schedule from revit using 'reports' there are two dates on the report "date" and "revision date".
Q: How do I change those dates?
updated 6 years ago | Dennis Huiskens