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Reports forum


Luis Santos

19 Feb 2020 (4 years ago)

Reports will do the outmost to automatically present the data from Revit beautifully into the paper size that is selected. But sometimes it needs some minor adjustments to make it perfect.


We have gathered under the most important manual adjustments by the natural order that we believe they should be applied. Sometimes just the first adjustments will be sufficient. But is always ann advantage to be aware of the possibilities inside the program.

1 - Paper Size

Ensure that the paper size and orientation is sufficient for the ammount of columns and text. Sometimes is more appropriate to change orientation to landscape. Or chosing a larger paper size.


2 - Font Size.

Consider the font size so that both the headers and the content for each cell fit and are readable. Configure them in the Style tab. The Heading 2 are the Headers of the schedule. The Heading 3 is the font size of the cells of the schedule.



3 - Colum Width

Finally the column widths can be adjusted in percentage of the original size in the tab Columns. A number higher than 100% makes it wider and a number under 100% makes it narrowed. The other columns will also be slightly adjusted due to this override.
