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    asked by Luis Santos 23 May 2019

    Please download version 3.2 that includes a more robust code in the link under:




    updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos
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    asked by Wolfgang Ruthensteiner 17 May 2019



    we have an issue creating advanced tags with docuflow.

    When creating a custom name an error occurs. Picture attached.

    Is the a solution to this problem?





    We are using Revit 2018.3 and ducuflow 3.0.

    updated 5 years ago | Wolfgang Ruthensteiner

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    asked by Luis Santos 10 May 2019


    We are happy to announce that Docuflow 3.0 is finally released. It includes a few corrections and many exciting new features.

    It can be downloaded here:



    • New feature: exports sheets as DWF and DWFx.


    • New controls to hide/view links, ref/work planes, unreferenced view tags, scope boxes, crop boundaries and grayscale for the PDF documents.


    • Added controls for the Revit PDF printing options: Vector processing (faster) / Raster Processing, selection of levels of raster quality.


    • New feature! Advanced automation: allows to run a program before and/or after publishing.


    • The changes in the settings are now saving when the main dialog is closed. Previously the settings were saving only after the publishing job.


    • Compatible with Revit 2020.






    updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos
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    asked by PAULO LOPES 02 May 2019

    HI, I want to assign some of the sheet parameters I created directly on the filename but I keep getting this error and I cannot save the new PDF advanced Filename rule. I get this error message. Any ideas how I get around this?


    updated 5 years ago | PAULO LOPES
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    asked by Felipe Vallejos 02 May 2019

    Does Docuflow keep visible the "crop region", in case we want it visible?

    updated 5 years ago | Felipe Vallejos
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    asked by Felipe Vallejos 30 Apr 2019
    First of all, will Docuflow work in revit 2020?...and the main motive of my message: I downloaded Docuflow for testing. First test was all good, I export PDF and DWG just with couple of clics, but after that first export PDF export did'n work anymore, instead I get the follow message: "Confirm...It seems that a previous PDF creation session did not complete successfuly.If you are sure there is no ongoing PDF printing click OK to continue. Yes or No"Can I get your input on this issue. We are looking for a good solution to automate the export of documents from Revit.
    updated 5 years ago | Felipe Vallejos
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    asked by Miika Liukka 25 Apr 2019

    When are you palnning to have DOCUFLOW compatibel with Revit 2020?

    Thanks in advance.

    updated 5 years ago | Miika Liukka
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    asked by Luis Santos 12 Apr 2019

    Issues with paper sizes

    Ocasionally we have users that report that the paper size that Docuflow indicated does not match standard paper sizes that are expected in their titleblocks. That leads to wrong PDF size and issues with printing to paper in the correct scale.

    We concluded in all cases that Revit/Docuflow was correct and it was due to incorrect setup of the titleblock family. Either the paper size is shown in Docuflow smaller or larger than the standard size. Please troubleshoot using the instructions under:


    Docuflow shows a smaller paper size than the standard

    Solution: Make sure the crop boundaries in the titleblock are exactly the edge of the paper. If you do not want those lines visible, use the invisible linestyle.



    Docuflow shows a larger paper size than the standard

    Solution: Make sure that the titleblock crop boundaries are exactly the size of the paper. Additionally, check all other elements, such as text boxes and make sure they do not extend outside the crop boundaries. Click on each rectangular text box, and check their size: their text might be in, but if the rectangle extends outside the titleblock, Revit includes that as the outermost edge to be printed.

    updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos
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    asked by Mohor Kordež 09 Apr 2019

    Hi, we are having problems with setting a new set. I select all the sheet I want to publish, press New, type in the name of the set and after that all the sheets dissapear. also there is nothing in the drop-down menu where you should select a set to publish. I have the latest version instaled and I am using Revit 2016.

    Please resolve this problem, as it is realy frustrating and takes a lot of time to click and select all the sheet each time I want to publish anything.


    Best, M

    updated 3 years ago | Mohor Kordež
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    asked by Daryl Hargreaves 09 Apr 2019

    I have installed the trial version into Revit LT & the printer Bullzip PDF is available & great quality.  The tab does not appear embedded in the the program however & neither can I find a reference to Docuflow on my computer anhywhere.  Is this because it is a trial, version?  Is it because it does not embed in Revit LT?  How can I trial the export features without it being available in the trial?  Wanting to roll this out across 15 workstations but not until I can see all the benefits applying to Revit LT.

    updated 5 years ago | Daryl Hargreaves
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    asked by Carsten Kodat 15 Mar 2019

    Where are the settings to plot in colour or grey ?


    updated 5 years ago | Carsten Kodat
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    asked by Patrick King 07 Mar 2019


    A few problems getting Docuflow to work for us:

    1. The User Guide states that advanced filename rules are saved in the settings of a specific project, but doesn't say how this is done or where those settings are. Every time we close and re-open a Revit project, we have to start again. How do we avoid this?

    2. Also, to use the advanced filenames rules we have to manually untick the 'Use Advanced Filename' checkbox, then the 'Sheet Number' box, then re-tick the 'Use Advanced Filename' box, in both the Formats tab and the PDF tab. This is a very laborious process, can this be saved as a setting so we don't have to do this each and every time we print?

    3. When printing to pdf from Docuflow, the Bullzip pdf printer crops the drawings to the drawing border line on our sheets, which is 10mm inside the actual paper size. We can't see how to change the settings in Docuflow to make the prints come out the right size. When printing normally from Revit selecting the Bullzip printer, the pdfs print correctly.



    updated 5 years ago | Patrick King
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    asked by Maximilian Urs Abele 26 Feb 2019


    we are jusing a floating license of docuflow in our office.

    i try to figure out how the license works. for example:

    person a has used docuflow but is now working on something else. person b needs docuflow but person a still has the license. what has person a to do to hand over the license? we tried: close revit and reboot. docuflow is still unavailable to person b and c.


    updated 5 years ago | Maximilian Urs Abele
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    asked by MICHEL NIVET 20 Feb 2019



    I have to create a details book of numerous A3 in it.

    I have created a sheet named 001 and the others 001-1, 001-2, 001-x


    Is it possible to export all theses sheets into a single file AND using an advanced filename which take the parameters of the sheet 001 to create the advanced name ?



    updated 5 years ago | MICHEL NIVET
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    asked by Marc Zander 21 Jan 2019

    Is ist possible to get Dates mit two Letters like 01 for January?

    Docuflow 2.7 only writes Dates without a zero.

    updated 6 years ago | Marc Zander
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    asked by Derek Collins 16 Jan 2019

    When trying to export multiple pdf's horizontal and portrait into a single file, it freezes and doesnt finsh the process

    updated 6 years ago | Derek Collins
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    asked by Luis Santos 15 Jan 2019

    The floating/network licenses use your internet IP address that is assigned to your floating license for authenticating Docuflow within your network. Please ensure the following:


    • Install and run the latest Docuflow (at least version 2.7). If you previously had a desktop license and wish to use a floating license it is mandatory to unninstall and install again.
    • Ensure that the IP address is updated in the My Licenses section in the customer area of On can easily update by clicking the button in front of your IP (that is visible if your current IP is not the same as the IP in the database). We recommend you run floating licenses only on a network with fixed IP address.
    • To see the current usage of your licenses please check the My Licenses section for real time status of the licenses borrowed.
    • Docuflow can allways be installed in as many machines as required within your network.
    • Floating licenses are cumulative, meaning that one can have several licenses with different expiry dates that can be used simultaneously. That makes it easy to deal with periods where it can be necessary to expand the capacity.
    • Floating licenses have a expiry date as a ergular yearly subscription. Please check your license is valid and buy a new contract a few days before expiry dato to ensure continuas availability. Currently that has to be done manually. 


    Should there be any trouble with your floating license please contact us via this forum.

    updated 5 years ago | Luis Santos
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    asked by Paulina Rekos 11 Jan 2019

    Hi, is it possible to set crop boundaries checked in docuflow. If yes, how can i do this?

    updated 6 years ago | Paulina Rekos
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    asked by Luis Santos 05 Jan 2019

    The early versions of PDF (for instance 1.1) may not encode the text properly.

    Please check the compatibility settings in the PDF tab, and test a higher setting, for instance PDF 1.7 .


    By default Docuflow has PDF 1.5.


    updated 6 years ago | Luis Santos
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    asked by Luis Santos 05 Jan 2019

    Prior to version 2.7 Docuflow there can be a situation where Docuflow will not successfully pass the print instructions to Revit.


    There are 2 steps to check:

     1 - Upgrade to Docuflow 2.8 if you have an older verison. This version has an improvement that solves that error.


    2- Ensure that the Revit selected default print set is not empty (without sheets)
    • Open the print dialog
    • In Print range click the button select.
    • If the set has no selected sheets, delete that set. The alternative is to select the set <in-session>.
    • Click OK
    • Click close to close the Revit Print Dialog
    • Use Docuflow


    This last error will be corrected in version 2.9

    updated 6 years ago | Luis Santos

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